Welcome to the gross pulsating entrance to my disgusting hole. You may enter any part of my gross body of work from here or visit the guts of those closest to me from the side bar. There's also merch located beside the small intestines. You can also leave a message near the spincter at the bottom. Thank you for visiting.

Buy My  Stuff Below

Official Shirt

Hey you, yes you. Are you reading this without a shirt on??? Well, I got you covered, LITERALLY. THE OFFICIAL GUT ME SHIRT. The only thing you should be showing your neighbors are your guts! Extra info for DORKS by clicking da shirt.

Official Hat

Do your homies tell you that your brim game weak??? Tired of the sun giving you a middle finger. Well block the haters and the sun with the official OVERLORD DYVONE cap. Extra info for GEEKS by clicking da hat.